Aglaomorpha 'Jim' 6/tray

Product number : 4AGJIBP12

The Aglaomorpha 'Jim' 6/tray, also known as the Characteristic Fern, has its roots in the tropical rainforests of Asia. It is a species of fern that thrives in the humid and shady environment of the rainforest. This type of plant is mainly found in countries such as the Philippines, where the characteristic climate promotes growth.

The Aglaomorpha 'Jim' is characterised by its woodland appearance, akin to a small forest itself. It is also characterized by its long, overlapping leaves, which have a deep green colour and a leathery texture. The large, feathery leaves of the plant can vary significantly in size, with the potential to grow up to 75 centimetres in length. The plant has a high growth rate and is capable of multiplying rapidly.

The care of the Aglaomorpha 'Jim' requires specific attention. The plant needs minimal direct sunlight, but thrives best in semi-shade. It is important to water the plant regularly and evenly, without the roots sitting in water. A tropical climate in the home is favourable for the plant, which can be created by maintaining high humidity. For instance, by spraying the plant with a mister or placing the plant near the shower or in the kitchen. Since the plant originates from the tropics, it is crucial that the room temperature does not drop below 15 degrees Celsius. It is recommended to fertilise the plant once a month with houseplant food.

Aglaomorpha 'Jim' 6/tray

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