Anthurium andraeanum 'Sweet Dream' 4/tray

Product number : 4ANANBP86

The Anthurium andraeanum 'Sweet Dream' 4/tray is an exotic plant species, originating from the tropical rainforests of South and Central America. It is primarily the Colombian anchor crops where this plant's original home lies. Anthurium is the official botanical name for this kind of plant, of which there are some 600 species. The 'Sweet Dream' is a popular cultivar worldwide due to its attractive appearance.

The Anthurium andraeanum 'Sweet Dream' 4/tray is a houseplant known for its striking inflorescence. The plant produces an attractive, heart-shaped, glossy bract, usually in a vibrant colour. The 'Sweet Dream' variety is prized for its pink flowers and green leaves. These plants have a moderate growth rate and can become up to a metre tall with the right care.

Proper care is essential for the Anthurium andraeanum 'Sweet Dream' 4/tray to survive and thrive. The plant likes a light position, but direct sunlight should be avoided. It is advisable to water the plant regularly, but only once the top layer of soil has dried out. Fertilising once a month with a solution for flowering houseplants is recommended to promote continuous blooming. The ideal room temperature for this plant is between 20 and 22 degrees Celsius.

Anthurium andraeanum 'Sweet Dream' 4/tray

Bush Pink
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