Cactus mix 11/tray

Product number : 4CAMIKK11

The Cactus mix 11/tray is a variety of different cactus species that find their origin in various regions of the world. Most cacti have their origins in areas with a barren and dry climate, such as the deserts of North and South America. Despite their disparate origins, they all have in common that they are adapted to extreme weather conditions.

Cacti are characterised by their ability to store water in their stems and leaves, which helps them survive in dry and hot environments. They often have a thick, waxy skin and needle-like spines that serve both to minimize water loss and to protect themselves from herbivores. The Cactus mix 11/tray offers a variety of shapes, sizes and colours, ranging from small spherical species to large columnar cacti.

Cacti are easy to care for houseplants, provided a few basic rules are observed. They need a lot of light, so a position by a south-facing window is ideal. Despite their drought resistance, they still require water, but overwatering should be avoided. The water must be fully absorbed between watering. In winter, many cacti go dormant and require less water. A well-draining soil is essential to prevent root rot. Repotting is usually recommended every two to three years.

Cactus mix 11/tray
