Epiphyllum pumilum

Product number : 4EPPUHA24

The Epiphyllum pumilum originates from the tropical regions of Central and South America, including countries such as Costa Rica, Mexico and Brazil. This plant naturally grows on other trees, rocks and tree stumps in forested areas, where it receives little light. The focus here is on receiving moisture from the atmosphere and nutrients from its surroundings.

The Epiphyllum pumilum, also known as the Orchid Cactus, is an eye-catching plant with leaves that appear like flat stems. These stems can grow up to one and a half metres long and are smooth to slightly bumpy. The plant produces oblong white flowers that remain closed during the day and open in the evening. These flowers are very noticeable because of their size, which varies between thirteen and eighteen centimetres in diameter.

The Epiphyllum pumilum requires moderate watering; it is important to let the soil dry out a little between watering to prevent root rot. The best place to keep the plant is one with ample indirect sunlight, although the plant also tolerates light shade. The plant thrives at temperatures between twelve and eighteen degrees Celsius and it is recommended to feed the plant monthly with a high potassium nutrient in the spring and summer. When pruning the plant, it's crucial to ensure that the stems are only cut back to a third.

Epiphyllum pumilum

Hanging plant
Combine with planter