Ficus elastica 'Abidjan'

Product number : 4FIEA3T10

The Ficus elastica 'Abidjan', also known as the rubber plant, finds its origins in Southeast Asia and parts of Australia. It is predominantly Southeast Asia where the plant occurs frequently. This plant grows wild in the rainforests, often on tree trunks and rocks.

The Ficus 'Abidjan' is an attractive indoor plant characterised by the dark, almost black-purple colour of the leaves. The leaves are large, sturdy and have a glossy surface. The plant has a strong stem with leaves that stand out like a parachute. The rubber plant can grow up to 3 meters high in indoor conditions.

A Ficus elastica 'Abidjan' requires relatively little care, but it has specific needs in order to optimise its growth. The plant prefers a light position but tolerates semi-shade. To promote steady growth, it is recommended to water the plant regularly, but avoid stagnant water in the pot as this can lead to root rot. It is also advisable to feed the plant once a month during the growing season with liquid houseplant fertilizer. Although the rubber plant does not often need pruning, it can contribute to more compact growth. Avoid repotting this plant during the winter months as this can cause extra stress.

Ficus elastica 'Abidjan'

Tuft 3pp
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