Phalaenopsis 'Mariola' 10/tray

Product number : 4PHALB119

The Phalaenopsis 'Mariola' 10/tray, also known as the moth orchid, originally comes from Southeast Asia, the Philippines, and Northern Australia. Here in nature, the plant grows on trees or rocks, extracting nutrients from the surroundings. This behaviour is typical of epiphytic orchids like the 'Mariola'. It became popular as a houseplant due to its graceful appearance and its relatively easy care.

The Phalaenopsis 'Mariola' 10/tray is appreciated for its long flowering period, often lasting several months a year. The plant has glossy, oval leaves with a dark green colour. On the long stem, various flowers with a light pink hue that emit a subtle warm glow grow. These flowers have a unique shape that is reminiscent of a moth, hence the nickname moth orchid.

Caring for the Phalaenopsis 'Mariola' 10/tray can be simple, and consistent attention results in rich flowering. The plant requires a bright spot without direct sunlight and a stable temperature between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius. The orchid needs water once a week in the summer months; once every two weeks is adequate in winter. Since the 'Mariola' is originally an epiphyte, it is crucial that the water can drain well to prevent root rot. To promote flowering, the plant can be given some orchid fertilizer once a month.

Phalaenopsis 'Mariola' 10/tray

2-Branches 18+ Purple spotted
Combine with planter